The current administration of USP (University of Sao Paulo) has created, with unanimous approval from the University Council, the Office of Inclusion and Belonging (PRIP). This new Office aims to integrate and create synergies between the various existing initiatives at USP to stimulate the inclusion and retention of politically excluded population groups (blacks, browns (pardos), and indigenous peoples; women; LGBTQIA+ populations; people with disabilities) among undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff. It aims, in an articulated manner, to build innovative practices for the strengthening of respect for diversity and equity, and the production of powerful community links, making academic life as comfortable, plural, and stimulating as possible. This task implies not only internal efforts within USP but also active participation in the social construction of policies that add to this direction. With the creation of PRIP, the Units within USP are organizing their corresponding Commissions of Inclusion and Belonging (CIP). The coordination of CIP FMUSP was elected in October 2022 and follows the composition as a statutory commission of FMUSP.