
Actions of prevention and care aimed at mental well-being.


Building practices that promote mental health in the institution, developing support networks and welcoming of cases.

Current Project:

  • Organizing protocols, flows and support structures for addressing individual mental health demands of undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty.
  • Collective Mental Health, aimed at developing health promotion actions within the institution.

Working Group

Nome Depto/Instância
Eberval Figueiredo Dept. of  Neurology
Eduardo Humes GRAPAL
Elizabete Mângia Integrated Reception
Lisete Teixeira Dept. of Cardiopneumology
Maico Costa Integrated Reception
Marco A. Galletta Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Maria Fernanda Peres Dept. of Preventive Medicine
Marisa Dolhnikoff Academic Tutoring
Melissa T Muramoto Occupational Therapy
Patrícia Belodi CEDEM/Mentorship
Renério Fraguas Dept. of  Psychiatry
Yassuhiko Okay NTH