Student Entities

Academic Center Oswaldo Cruz  (CAOC - Centro Acadêmico Oswaldo Cruz )

It is the highest institution of student representation of the students of the medical course of the USP Medical School. Its main functions are the student organization, the maintenance of the physical space of the “Porão”, the struggle for student demands, the negotiation with undergraduate students and participation in student spaces, such as the USP's Central Directory of Students and the National Executive Office of Students of Medicine.

Scientific Department   (DC - Departamento Científico)

The Scientific Department of the USP Medical School promotes university extension activities and encourages the medical student to participate in scientific production. The DC organizes lectures, courses and debates, which complement students' medical education and refresh health professionals. It is also responsible for regularizing the academic leagues: entities formed by undergraduate students in Medicine and other courses in the health area, under the supervision of a responsible physician.

For further information visit:

Scientific Flag

Project designed by academics of the  USP Medical School to promote the performance of medical students in vulnerable municipalities, with health as the main focus. Preventive and therapeutic actions are established to improve the health conditions of poor municipalities.The name of the program is derived from the flags (bandeiras), word used by the Portuguese settlers (bandeirantes) to describe the settlements as they penetrated the interior of the country.

For further information visit:

Academic Medical Extension (EMA - Extensão Médica Acadêmica )

Through volunteering, the EMA develops social programs and actions aimed at the community, providing health services. It also integrates students and health professionals into activities related to consultations, laboratory tests and educational campaigns.


It is a project of the USP Medical School that prepares students of the health area to act as clowns in HC-FMUSP. Its function is to use comic and creative language as a resource for the humanization of care.

For further information visit:


College preparatory program aimed to assist low-income individuals, created by the students of the USP Medical School. The classes and the one-on-one tutoring are taught by the undergraduate students themselves. The participants need to attend 75% of the program and the selection process consists of an exam and a socioeconomic selection.

For further information visit:

University Health Day (JUS - Jornada Universitária da Saúde )

It is a university extension project that allows students to work on their skills and use the knowledge acquired by offering  health education workshops to impoverished communities of specific cities in the countryside of São Paulo.

Medicina Jr.

Junior Company of the USO Medical School, USP School of Public Health and USP School of Nursing, which organizes events and activities that contribute to the training in the area of Health Management.

Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Academic Center (CAAVC - Centro Acadêmico Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho )

It is the student representation institution that represents the interests of students of Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy of the USP Medical School . Its main functions are the student organization, the fight for students' demands, the negotiation with the undergraduate institution and the participation in the student spaces, such as the Central Directory of Students of USP and the National Executive Direction of Medical Students.

Academic Athletic Association Oswaldo Cruz (AAAOC)

In addition to coordinating the sports practice of various athletic modalities of FMUSP students within a broad structure for sport and leisure, AAAOC develops physical rehabilitation and health promotion projects for HC-FMUSP patients and also socio-cultural projects for low-income individuals of all age groups.

For further information visit:

Academic Athletic Association of the Department of Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (AAA-FOFITO -  Associação Atlética Acadêmica do Departamento de Fonoaudiologia, Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional)

Through sports, AAA-FOFITO collaborates with health promotion and physical rehabilitation projects aimed at FMUSP-HC patients, in addition to contributing to various social actions for low-income individuals.

FMUSP iFriend

It is a program created to perfect the relationship between exchange students and the academic community. The goal is for USP Medical School students to welcome and assist foreign students through their adaptation period.

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