23/06/2023 FMUSP hosts a lecture by the physician and scientist Peter J. Hotez, renowned for his pro-immunization work
07/06/2023 KIDS SAVE LIVES BRASIL reaches the milestone of 10,000 people trained in basic life support
05/06/2023 FMUSP receives visit from members of the Scientific and Technological Development Board of Finep
25/05/2023 Medical Residency and Full Professor of FMUSP are honored by the Brazilian Society of Thoracic Surgery
19/05/2023 Medical School and Institute of Physics of USP sign an agreement with the University of Florida
19/05/2023 Professor at FMUSP receives fellowship title from the Latin American Association of Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety, and work from LabHab is awarded
12/05/2023 FMUSP professor receives award from AAHCI for creating a program in which students share innovative ideas for health education
11/05/2023 FMUSP delegation participates in the AAHCI global forum on innovation in health and in the regional meeting of the M8 Alliance World Health Summit
10/05/2023 MedProject brings knowledge about medical careers and Kids Save Lives Brasil provides CPR training for university entrance exam students
26/04/2023 Residents of Clinical Oncology at Icesp obtained the highest average in a worldwide exam for the second consecutive year
17/04/2023 HCFMUSP celebrates its 79th with excellence in research, patient care, innovation and digital health