
The members of the first formation of Fiscal Council of Fundação Faculdade de Medicina (FFM) took office on April 26, 2022, in a solemn meeting that took place at Board Room of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP).

The Fiscal Council is na entity that has the objective of independently exercising the financial and accounting supervision of the management acts of the administrators and the activities of FFM, in order to maintain the proper functioning of the institution. The Board will be called upon to issue an opinion on the financial statements and balance sheet, in addition to other topics relevant to FFM's management.

Composed by three members, with a four-year term, with successive reappointments being permitted, those elected to the Supervisory Board of the Fundação Faculdade de Medicina are:

Camila Pintarelli, PhD in Law at PUC/SP, State Attorney of São Paulo, direct advisor to the State Attorney General's Office. She was the Chief Prosecutor of the SP Office in Brasília. Member of OAB Court of Ethics and Discipline of OAB. Representative member of the State of SP in the Management Council of the Fund for Diffuse Interests of the State of SP and of the Audit Committee of the ITESP Foundation.

Flavio Barbarulo Borgheresi, Attorney for the Municipality of São Paulo. Deputy Secretary – Secretary of the Government of the Municipality of São Paulo. Auditor of the Court of Sports Justice of the São Paulo Football Federation. Rapporteur of the Sixth Panel of the Ethics Court of OAB São Paulo. Chief of Staff of Counselor Dimas Eduardo Ramalho of São Paulo State Court of Auditors.

Vidal Serrano Nunes Junior, Attorney General of São Paulo. Member of the Superior Council of the Public Ministry. Member of the Special Body of the College of Prosecutors. He was the Coordinator of the Operational Support Center of the Public Prosecutor's Office for Consumer Protection. Coordinator of the Electoral Justice Prosecutors. Adviser to the Attorney General of Justice. Associate Professor of Constitutional Law and current Director of the Faculdade de Direito of PUC. He was President of the Board of Directors of Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection - IDEC) for three terms. He was President of the Santo Dias Human Rights Center of the Archdiocese of São Paulo for three terms. Author of several books.

In the officialization of FFM Fiscal Council, the instituted members and also Prof. Tarcisio Eloy Pessoa de Barros Filho, FMUSP Director, Dr. Arnaldo Hossepian Junior, FFM President Director, Prof. Jose Otavio Costa Auler Junior, FMUSP Vice-President, Dr. Felipe Neme de Souza, Director of Corporate Management at FFM, Dr. Carmen Cervantes Ghiselli, Legal Director at FFM, Amaro Angrisano, FFM Financial Director, and Marcus Cesar Mongold, Controllership Manager at FFM.