The Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) completed 110 years of excellence and pioneering in Teaching, Research and Extension, on December 19, 2022, with a ceremony held at the Faculty’s Theater, the first among others which will be held next year. Years of science, academic activities, care services, faculty and student evidence were extolled. In addition, a tribute was paid to the living ex-directors, who received greetings and a medal for their dedication to the Institution.
The event began with the performance of the National Anthem by a string quintet and soprano Mirian Duarte. Prof. Eloisa Silva Dutra de Oliveira Bonfá, Director of FMUSP, welcomed the crowd: “We are celebrating 110 years of history, hard work and achievements, always in favor of the greater good, which is society”.
Prof. Emeritus Silvano Mário Atílio Raia reported some remarkable facts and Prof. Giovanni Guido Cerri from the Department of Radiology and Oncology spoke about the opportunities that the promising future presents to the Institution.
Also participating were Prof. Maria Arminda Nascimento Arruda, Vice-Rector of USP, Prof. Paulo M. Pêgo Fernandes, Vice-Director of FMUSP, Prof. Angelita Haber-Gama, Emeritus of FMUSP, Dr. Jean Gorinchteyn, Secretary of Health of the State of São Paulo and Dr. Mauricio Serpa, Deputy Secretary at the Municipal Health Secretariat.
Prof. Eloisa Bonfá highlighted the strengthening of innovation and internationalization that have taken place in recent years and the fact that the Faculty of Medicine has become more diverse and inclusive since, nowaday, social and racial quotas represent 50% of vacancies in Medicine, “which guarantees a large step towards the desired social mobility through quality education”. She also commented, “we are very proud of this house whose main mission is to transform the lives of people and the community and to advance science”.
The former directors awarded with the “Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho” medal, commemorative edition, coined to celebrate events after the centenary of FMUSP, were: Prof. Silvano Raia, from 1982 to 1986; Prof. Marcello Marcondes Machado, from 1994 to 1998; Prof. Irineu Tadeu Velasco, from 1998 to 2002; Prof. Giovanni Cerri, from 2002 to 2006 and 2010 to 2014; Prof. Marcos Boulos, from 2006 to 2010, who was unable to attend the event but will be given the medal; Prof. Jose Otavio Costa Auler Junior, from 2014 to 2018; and Prof. Tarcisio Eloy Pessoa de Barros Filho, from 2018 to 2022.
Founded in 1912 and established in 1913, FMUSP was the first School of Medicine in the State of São Paulo, conceived as a result of a partnership between the Government and the Rockefeller Foundation. Its headquarters building was inaugurated in 1931. In 1934, it became part of the University of São Paulo, which had its creation decree signed in the FMUSP Congregation Room.
It has established itself as one of the largest medical-scientific research centers in the country, with an average of 3,600 scientific articles published annually, 230 research groups and an expressive intellectual production of national and international impact.
The Faculty currently offers five undergraduate courses, with more than 1,400 students in Medicine, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Medical Physics; 1,800 postgraduate students; 1,600 in the Medical Residence; and others. It has 17 departments, 368 professors, several multidisciplinary centers and the largest hospital complex in Latin America. The Hospital das Clínicas (Clinics Hospital, HC) has, annually, more than one million outpatient consultations, 232 thousand urgent and emergency consultations and 50 thousand surgeries, in addition to 66 medical research laboratories.