
Professor Jorge Simão do Rosário Casseb, Associate at Dermatology Department of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), was awarded, as the best clinician in the area of HTLV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus), by the “IRVA Awards 2022”, delivered by the International Association of Retrovirology.

The award ceremony took place on May 9, 2022, in online format, during the 20th edition of the "International Conference On Human Retrovirology: HTLV and Related Viruses 2022", which took place from May 08 to 11, 2022, with broadcast remote direct from Melbourne, in Australia. The congress aimed to emphasize the need to increase public health and social science research output on HTLV-1 and provide a direct response to the recent global consultation by the World Health Organization, which called for initiatives to reduce the burden of HTLV-1.

Prof. Jorge Casseb highlighted that the human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1) “affects about 5-10 million people worldwide, with almost one million in Brazil”. The Professor also added: “During the last 22 years we have studied and cared for, together with the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas and the Hospital das Clínicas (HC) of FMUSP, about 2 thousand patients with this virus and who continue to be assisted with clinical follow-up”.

During the award presentation, Prof. Casseb thanked the volunteer patients who collaborated with the studies on HTLV, the graduate students who contributed to the research, the researchers, professors and others involved in the research group to which he was a part. In particular, to Prof. Augusto C. Penalva de Oliveira, from the Emílio Ribas Institute, Dr. Youko Nakui, Dr. Jose Vidal and Dr. Helio Gomes from HCFMUSP.


Prof. Jorge Simão do Rosário Casseb holds a degree in Medicine of Universidade do Estado do Pará (1989), a Master's degree in Allergy and Immunopathology at USP (1995), a PhD in Pathology at USP (1999) and Associate Professor at UNIFESP. (2010) and USP (2014). He is currently a professor at the Institute of Tropical Medicine of FMUSP. He has experience in the field of Immunology, with emphasis on Applied Immunology, working mainly on the following subjects: HIV-1, HTLV, immunology and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy.

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