Professor Gustavo Diniz Ferreira Gusso, at the Internal Medicina Department of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), was awarded the "Alumni of Distinction" award by the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry (Ontario, Canada) of the University of Western Ontario (UWO), where he completed the Master's program in Family Medicine.
The distinction, conferred at a ceremony on September 24, 2022, is reserved for international leaders, gifted academics, community advocates and pioneers in their fields who have distinguished themselves as role models and inspiration for all. Prof. Gusso was recognized for his book translation, the Treaty of Family and Community Medicine, which won first place in the Jabuti award in 2013, and for his work on the International Classifications Committee of the World Organization of Family Physicians, among other achievements.“
I lived one of the most exciting moments of my professional life”, says Prof. Gusso about his time at UWO. “It was at the University of Western Ontario that Ian McWhinney, a then promising English family doctor, created the first department of Family Medicine in Canada, in 1968. The master's degree, as well as the residency, was a watershed in my life and I owe a lot to Profs. Moira Stewart, Tom Freeman and Judy Brown.”