
Representatives from NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL) attended a meeting at the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP’s Faculty of Medicine, FMUSP) on October 18, 2022, aiming to deepen the creation of a solid strategic cooperation platform and the regular partnerships that have already resulted in several scientific productions in the Medicine field.

The event took place under the auspices of USP’s Agency for National and International Academic Cooperation (AUCANI), and within the scope of the Cooperation Agreement between the two institutions, signed in 2015 and in vigor until July 2023. Present at the UNL commission were Prof. Sónia Dias, Director of the NOVA National School of Public Health (ENSP-NOVA), and Professor Helena Canhão, Director of NOVA Medical School - Faculty of Medical Sciences (NMS-FCM).

FMUSP was represented by Prof. Tarcisio Eloy de Pessoa Barros Filho, Director, and Prof. Valeria Aoki, Chairperson of the Institutional Relations Committee. Professor Marly Augusto Cardoso, Head of the Nutrition Department at the USP Faculty of Public Health (FSP-USP), was also present. After a meeting in the Board of Directors' Room, there was a visit to the Central Institute of Hospital das Clínicas (HC), going through the Gastric Surgery Infirmary, with a reception by Prof. Luiz Augusto Carneiro D'Albuquerque, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology at FMUSP.