
The Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) celebrated, on May 30, 2023, the reopening of the Teaching and Research Center (CDP) of the Department of Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy (FOFITO). The event was an important milestone in the history of the institution, which aims to improve its facilities for the benefit of students, faculty and the community.

"At CDP, reinforcing the University's tripod, the Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy courses have an important role in research that seeks solutions to society's problems, using scientific production as an instrument for identifying reality and meeting USP's mission in training professionals and leaders for society and scientists to create new knowledge and technologies for national development", says Profa. Sílvia Maria Amado João, Department Head of FOFITO.

The renovation of the Center lasted about 10 years and brought a more modern structure, including central air conditioning, creation and adaptation of laboratory spaces for the professors and adaptation of fire escapes and elevators. The department, course, undergraduate and graduate secretariats were reformulated and modernized to better meet the needs of students and staff.

The Board of FMUSP, together with FOFITO, led the reopening process. The project was promoted during the management of Prof. Tarcisio Eloy Pessoa de Barros Filho and concluded under the administration of Prof. Eloisa Silva Dutra Bonfá, with the support of current and previous rectory administrations."We are 38 teaching staff, 40 higher-level administrative and technical staff, 200 graduate students, 375 undergraduate students, in addition to residents at the Hospital Universitário (HU) and Hospital das Clínicas (HCFMUSP)", says Sílvia Maria Amado John. 

"The CDP offers the necessary conditions for collaborative and interdisciplinary work, for the management and development of research, in an articulated way with teaching and extension, creating an environment for students, professors and employees worthy of academic work at the University of São Paulo ."With the reopening of the Teaching and Research Center of the Department of Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy, FMUSP strengthens its commitment to excellence in professional training and scientific advancement, contributing to the development of the country through innovative and high-impact research.