Students from the 49th
Physiotherapy Class and the 50th Occupational Therapy Class of the Faculdade de
Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) participated, on December 19,
2022, in a graduation ceremony held at the Faculty’s Theater.
Representing the Institution were
Prof. Paulo Manuel Pêgo Fernandes, Vice Director of FMUSP, Prof. Iolanda de
Fátima Lopes Calvo Tibério, President of the Undergraduate Committee, Prof.
Carolina Fu, from the Coordinating Committee of the Physiotherapy Course, and
Profa. Talita Naiara Rossi da Silva, from the Coordinating Committee of the
Occupational Therapy Course.
“It is the end of a stage and the
beginning of a long and arduous journey”, said Prof. Carolina Fu, who urged
students to always focus on the love for the profession as a key to success.
Following her, Prof. Talita Rossi highlighted and thanked the engagement of
students, “occupational therapists, preceptors, administrative staff and all
the people who, in one way or another, were essential for building and
sustaining the course”.
Prof. Iolanda de Fátima Lopes
recalled that “in a country with so many inequalities and difficulties of all
kinds”, the students had the privilege of graduating from a higher education
course, and that it is important to repay the investment made by society in
public universities.
Finally, the Vice Director of
FMUSP, Prof. Paulo Manuel Pêgo Fernandes, left a message for the future: “This
great milestone, you will realize over time, is going to complement itself
throughout life. The day-to-day continuous training and the commitment to
patients and results are what makes the difference.”