
Published 30/05/2022

Professor Ester Sabino of FMUSP takes office as a full member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Ester Sabino (fifth from the letf to the right, in the top row) at a ceremony at Museu do Amanhã

Professor Ester Cerdeira Sabino was sworn in as a Full Member of Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Brazilian Academy of Sciences - ABC), in an event that took place at Museu do Amanhã, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, on May 04, 2022.

The ABC has been promoting scientific production in Brazil since 1916. Its titular members are scientists living in Brazil for more than ten years, with outstanding scientific performance. Professor Ester received her nomination in the Health Sciences category.


Prof. Ester Cerdeira Sabino is a physician, PhD in Immunology, Associate Professor in Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Department of FMUSP, and researcher at Instituto de Medicina Tropical of FMUSP. Her research is focused on epidemics (HIV, arboviruses and SARS CoV-2 and blood transfusion safety). In 2021 she was awarded the Armando de Salles Oliveira Medal by the Universidade de São Paulo. She was one of the researchers to lead the genome sequencing of the new coronavirus in Brazil.

Fonte: FMUSP Communication Advisory Office