
For his trajectory marked by the formation of new generations of doctors, excellent care to patients, and the development of internationally recognized researches, Professor Ricardo Nitrini, 75 years old, was honored on May 05, 2022, by collaborators of the Institution.

He has completed his work cycle and retires. It took almost five decades of leadership and dedication to the Neurology Department of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) and to the Neurology Division of the Instituto Central (IC) of Hospital das Clínicas (HC) of FMUSP. In his new phase, Prof. Ricardo Nitrini will continue to work at FMUSP, as Senior Professor.

When thanking the tribute, in front of the crowded FMUSP Theater, the Professor recalled, through the projection of photos on the screen, all his academic and professional history, in addition to having mentioned some points of his personal life. From his performance in the Atletica soccer team, during his graduation in Medicine at FMUSP, the period in which he did his residency, teaching contests, to his presence in classrooms, laboratories and congresses. The wife, Mrs. Roseli Nitrini, children and grandchildren were present.

The FMUSP Vice-Director, Prof. Roger Chammas, who represented the FMUSP Director, Prof. Tarcisio Eloy Pessoa de Barros Filho, formed the solemn table; the Clinical Director of HCFMUSP, Prof. Eloisa Silva Dutra de Oliveira Bonfá; and the Titular Member of the ICHC Board of Directors, Prof. Luiz Augusto Carneiro D'Albuquerque, who represented the ICHC President of Condir, Prof. Nelson DeLuccia. 

Also participating was the Deputy Director of the ICHC Executive Board, Dr. Marcelo Cristiano de Azevedo Ramos, who represented the Executive Director, Dr. Lucila Pedroso da Cruz; ICHC Clinical Staff Director, Dr. Marcelo Cristiano da Rocha; and the Director of the Neurosurgery Division of the Instituto Central, Prof. Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira.

The event was attended by the Head of the Discipline of Child Neurology at FMUSP and Director of the Child Neurology Service at ICHC, Profa. Umbertina Conti Reed; the Associate Professor of FMUSP Neurology Department and representative of the Division of Clinical Neurology at ICHC, Prof. Luiz Henrique Martins Castro and Prof. Sonia Maria Dozzi Bruçki, from the Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology Group. 

Prof. Roger Chammas, FMUSP Vice-Director, speaks in honor of Prof. Ricardo Nitrini
Professors, students, collaborators of FMUSP and HCFMUSP, as well as family members of Prof. Ricardo Nitrini participate in the tribute ceremony
Professor Eloisa Dutra de Oliveira Bonfá, HCFMUSP Clinical Director, speaks during a ceremony honoring Prof. Ricardo Nitrini
Prof. Ricardo Nitrini receives honorary plaque for academic leadership and dedication to Neurology
Prof. Ricardo Nitrini unveils the plaque in his honor that will be installed in the amphitheater of the Neurological Clinical Division of the Central Institute of HCFMUSP
Prof. Ricardo Nitrini and family at the tribute held at the FMUSP Theater / Photo: Agnaldo Dias Correa