Applying for a CPF is not mandatory, but it is essential to be able to do almost anything in Brazil. Without a valid CPF number, you can not:
- open a Brazilian bank account;
- register for the Portuguese course at the University of São Paulo;
- request the Public Transportation Card with Students Discount (Bilhete Único de Estudante);
- subscribe to most Brazilian mobile phone companies;
- get a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
How to apply?
You can get a CPF number either once you arrive in Brazil or at your local consulate or embassy.
Time-saving tip: When applying for your visa at the Brazilian Consulate, take the opportunity to also request your CPF (it is faster and much easier than requesting it after your arrival in Brazil!).
(1) BEFORE you arrive in Brazil
The application is processed in two steps:
- Fill out the online application form
- Contact the nearest Brazilian diplomatic representation
While the exceptional measures relating to COVID-19 pandemic persist, services relating to CPF can be filed by email.
Send your CPF application to Please attach digital copies of the documents below (PDF or JPEG documents only):
- CPF online form receipt (printed and signed). Fill out the online application form;
- Valid passport;
- Full birth certificate containing both parents’ names (this document is optional, but recommended in order to show the parents’ names in the registration).
- Selfie: In addition to the documents regularly requested, a picture must be sent, showing the applicant's face while holding their passaport open and showing the passport ID page clearly legible.
Need help? Contact
(2) AFTER you arrive in Brazil
Step 1. Gather the required documents:
- Passport + visa application form or RNM card/protocol (= documento de identificação oficial com foto do cidadão, contendo nome, data de nascimento, filiação e local de nascimento).
- CPF online form receipt (= protocolo de atendimento). Fill out the application form HERE.
Step 2. Submit your application to the Receita Federal:
- Via email: While the exceptional measures relating to COVID-19 pandemic persist, there is no need to visit the Receita Federal, as services relating to CPF can be filed by email ( In addition to the documents regularly requested (step 1), a picture must be sent, showing the applicant's face while holding their ID open and showing the document's photo and number, clearly legible.
- In person: Receita Federal Office (located in Shopping Light, 2nd floor): Rua Cel. Xavier de Toledo, 23 - Centro - São Paulo - SP - Brasil, CEP: 01048-100. Office hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 20:00 (no appointment needed!)
Need help? Contact / FAQ (in Portuguese).