VISA and Other Documents

Visa, Health Insurance, MigranteWeb and CPF FAQ

Visa - before you arrive in Brazil

      1. Do I need a visa to go to Brazil?

      Find out what visa type is appropriate for you. It depends basically on three factors:

      1. how long you will be staying in Brazil;
      2. your nationality;
      3. the purpose of your trip.

      Here’s a brief overview:

      • Short stay (up to 90 days): Depending on your NATIONALITY, you may be required to obtain a visa to enter Brazil (visit visa = VIVIS) or can travel visa-free. To find out if you need a VIVIS to travel to Brazil, click here.
      • Long stay (more than 90 days): Depending on the PURPOSE OF YOUR TRIP, you must apply for one of the following temporary visas (VITEM):




      LEGAL BASIS (in Portuguese)


      research or teaching

      visiting professors, researchers and postdocs – with NO employment relationship with a Brazilian institution

      Resolução normativa 20 de 20/12/2017


      research or teaching

      visiting professors, researchers and postdocs – with employment relationship with a Brazilian institution

      Resolução normativa 24 de 20/02/2018



      undergraduate and graduate students

      Portaria interministerial 7 de 13/03/2018


      family reunion

      those on family ties with a Brazilian citizen or a foreign citizen who’s a temporary or permanent resident in Brazil

      Portaria interministerial 12 de 13/06/2018


      MERCOSUR Residence Agreement

       citizens from Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

      Decreto 6975 de 07/10/2009

      Mercosur citzens (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú and Uruguay) can enter in Brazil without Visa and stay up to 3 months (90 days). For stays lasting longer than 3 months (90 days), students from Mercosur has two options: 1) Enter in Brazil as a tourist and require the residency permit while here (CRNM) at the Brazilian Federal Police; 2) Get a VITEM XIII Visa at the consulate in your home country. For more information:

      2. Can I apply for a visa upon my arrival in brazil?

      No. If you do not qualify for a visa waiver, you must apply for a visa before your departure date. The airlines are not permitted to let you board a plane to Brazil if you do not have a visa. If they do, upon your arrival in Brazil the airline will be heavily fined and you will be deported.
      3. How and where to apply for a Brazilian visa?

      If you have any questions concerning immigration and visa requirements for Brazil (e.g., required documents, fees and deadlines), please contact the Brazilian Consulate or Embassy where your application will be processed. For a list of the Brazilian consular network around the world, visit

      Time-saving tip: When applying for your visa at the Brazilian Consulate, take the opportunity to also request your CPF (Brazilian tax number). It is faster and much easier than requesting it after your arrival in Brazil!

Visa - after you arrive in Brazil

      4. Do I need to register my visa with any Brazilian authority once I have entered Brazil?

      Check your visa “vignette” (sticker in your passport). You must register if it has “Register with the Federal Police, within 90 days of first entry/ Registro na Polícia Federal dentro de 90 dias da primeira entrada” on it.

      5. How to register my visa with the Federal Police? How do I get a RNM / RNE?

      Steps in the application process:

      1. Gather the required documents (here);
      2. Schedule an appointment (here); if there is no appointements available, please keep trying because new openings are included every week.
      3. Submit your RNM application in person to the Federal Police.

      Need help? Find answers to your questions in the step-by-step guide (Guide made by USP Institute of Physics International Office - if you are FM international visitor, please send your questions to

      Time-saving tips:
      • Once you know your arrival date and full address in Brazil, you can start the online visa registration process.
      • Bring all the copies of your documents and photos from your country. This may speed up the initial arrangements.

      6. Scheduling your RNM appointment via AUCANI USP

      In case you are unable to get an appointment by yourself and your deadline is about to expire or you are in a hurry and wish to register as soon as possible, you can apply via AUCANI USP Migration Office. Please note that the Federal Police only opens 15 slots/week for USP international students/researchers. Priority is given to those applicants whose deadline is about to expire.

      The service is free of charge and available only for the following applications:

      How to apply? Please contact our FM International Office ( before your visa expire date and submit a scanned copy of the required documents (all documents merged in 1 PDF file). Then wait for AUCANI's reply. Attend the interview at the Federal Police. 

      • You will be unable to register if any of the documents are missing.
      • Interviews scheduled by AUCANI usually take place on Fridays. Please arrive 15 min before your appointment time to ensure you don't lose your place. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after your appointment time you will be asked to rebook the appointment. 
      • When you arrive at the Federal Police, identify yourself at the front desk as a student/ researcher from the University of São Paulo.

      7. Problems with your visa or visa application form?

      If you came to Brazil without the original visa application form OR the Brazilian Consulate made a mistake when issuing your visa, the Federal Police will not accept your application. You must contact Escritório de Representação em São Paulo - ERESP (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office in São Paulo). ERESP (Assistência consular) is responsible for correcting visa errors and issuing a new visa application form.


      8. What should I do if I lose my passport containing my Brazilian visa while I am In brazil?

      If your passport is lost or stolen, you should:

      1. report it to the local police station and get a police report ("boletim de ocorrência");
      2. contact the Embassy/Consulate and apply for a new passport or travel document.

      Visa: see question "7. Problems with your visa or visa application form?" 

Visa - extending my stay

9. Can I stay longer than what my visa says?

Your visa is a document that allows you to enter the country, i.e., the expiration date shown on your visa does not reflect how long you are authorized to stay within Brazil. The permitted stay in Brazil is determined by the Federal Police upon registration (RNM). So if your RNM is about to expire, you must extend your stay with the Federal Police (see how in the next question).

10. How to extend my stay in Brazil?
It is essential that you always have a valid residence permit during your stay in Brazil. As a rule this permit can be extended as long as your purpose of stay is still valid.

    Useful links

    We thank IF International Office for gathering this information.

    Medical Insurance 

    Exchange students need to provide evidence of medical insurance or appropriate and valid travel medical insurance policy for registration upon arrival. Students must purchase their Health/Travel Insurance before travelling to Brazil (this must cover the entirety of the stay in Brazil).

    International students will have access to the Brazilian Public Health System only in cases of emergency.


    Applying for a CPF is not mandatory, but it is essential to be able to do almost anything in Brazil. Without a valid CPF number, you can not:

    • open a Brazilian bank account;
    • register for the Portuguese course at the University of São Paulo;
    • request the Public Transportation Card with Students Discount (Bilhete Único de Estudante);
    • subscribe to most Brazilian mobile phone companies;
    • get a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

    How to apply?

    You can get a CPF number either once you arrive in Brazil or at your local consulate or embassy.

    Time-saving tip: When applying for your visa at the Brazilian Consulate, take the opportunity to also request your CPF (it is faster and much easier than requesting it after your arrival in Brazil!).

    (1) BEFORE you arrive in Brazil

    The application is processed in two steps:
    1. Fill out the online application form
    2. Contact the nearest Brazilian diplomatic representation

    While the exceptional measures relating to COVID-19 pandemic persist, services relating to CPF can be filed by email.

    Send your CPF application to Please attach digital copies of the documents below (PDF or JPEG documents only):

    • CPF online form receipt (printed and signed). Fill out the online application form;
    • Valid passport;
    • Full birth certificate containing both parents’ names (this document is optional, but recommended in order to show the parents’ names in the registration).
    • Selfie: In addition to the documents regularly requested, a picture must be sent, showing the applicant's face while holding their passaport open and showing the passport ID page clearly legible.


    Need help? Contact

    (2) AFTER you arrive in Brazil

    Step 1. Gather the required documents:

    • Passport + visa application form or RNM card/protocol (= documento de identificação oficial com foto do cidadão, contendo nome, data de nascimento, filiação e local de nascimento).
    • CPF online form receipt (= protocolo de atendimento). Fill out the application form HERE.

    Step 2. Submit your application to the Receita Federal:

    • Via email: While the exceptional measures relating to COVID-19 pandemic persist, there is no need to visit the Receita Federal, as services relating to CPF can be filed by email ( In addition to the documents regularly requested (step 1), a picture must be sent, showing the applicant's face while holding their ID open and showing the document's photo and number, clearly legible.
    • In person: Receita Federal Office (located in Shopping Light, 2nd floor): Rua Cel. Xavier de Toledo,  23 - Centro - São Paulo - SP - Brasil, CEP: 01048-100. Office hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 20:00 (no appointment needed!)

    Need help? Contact / FAQ (in Portuguese).